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How do I create form?


Question TypesSee example

1. Multiple Choice

2. Image Choice

3. Two Choices

4. Dropdown

5. Text Entry (includes Email, Password, Number (allow decimal), Integer (digits only))

6. Date Time

7. Slider

8. Opinion Scale

9. Rating

10. Signature

11. File Upload

12. Input Table

13. Payment 14. Statement 15. Welcome Screen 16. Thank You Screen


Question Settings

Every question type has a settings menu including Media and Advanced


Formatting Question Text and Description

You can format text to bold, italicize, underline or hyperlink.


Copy, Move or Delete Questions

You can copy, move or delete questions in the Edit section.


Publish (Publishing, Un-publishing and Editing live form)

If the form is already published and you need to edit the form, then form needs to be un-published first.

Un-publishing Form

Scenario 1 : Published and no submissions received yet

1. Un-publish form

2. Edit Form

3. Publish again

Scenario 2 : Published and few submissions already received

1. Download and delete the previous submissions (from Results)

Note - You can connect form to Google Sheets so you can just delete the data from Formly as all previous submissions will always be available in Google sheet (under Archive tab)

2. Un-publish form

3. Edit Form

4. Publish again


Form settings

One Question at a Time - See example

This form format lets you focus your attention on one question at a time in the centre of the screen. After answering a question, you can scroll or click the OK button to progress to the next question.

Progress bar

When the One Question at a Time format is turned on, the progress bar is automatically turned on. Percent progress bar is shown by default.

Percent – shows progress as a percentage (e.g. 25% completed)

Proportion – shows progress in terms of the number of questions answered (e.g. 5 of 10 answered)

Individual – shows which question number is completed (e.g. highlights only the question number which are completed)

Note – For all questions on one page and forms with display logic – no progress bar is shown.


Design – Logo, Colour theme and Background image

Logo - You can add a logo to a form if you have a Gold plan.

Colour theme – You can change the appearance of your form by changing the colour of question text, description and buttons.

Background image – You can upload your own background image or GIF or select an image from our gallery. Recommended Background image dimensions: 1680x1050 px.


Skip logic

Skip logic lets you direct respondents through different paths in a form based on their answer to a previous question.



Form pre-population works by substituting tokens placed in a form.

Tokens can be added to almost any part of a form, including question, description, default value etc.

Most popular is “Default value” in the input field of Text Entry question type.

To add a token, simply surround a word with {{ and }}, for example: {{Firstname}}.


Email Notifications (including response PDF)

Email notifications let you quickly see new form responses by sending an email each time a response is submitted.

You can send email notifications to:

  • Author

  • Registered Respondent

  • Any other email address (not registered in Formly)

  • Email address entered while completing the form


Duplicate, Delete or Rename Form

You can duplicate, delete or rename form in the main dashboard.

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